Keanu Reeves' double found in Thailand (1 photo + 3 videos)

30 May 2024

A man who looks like Keanu Reeves has become popular in Thailand. The hero of the video works part-time as a street food vendor and takes pictures with fans.

A man from Germany has become popular in Thailand due to the fact that he looks like the main character of the film “John Wick,” writes Oddity Central.

The series of films of the same name about the hitman John Wick performed by Keanu Reeves has gained fans all over the world. People's love for this franchise was fully experienced by a man from Germany who came to Thailand. All thanks to the fact that he is very similar to the main character of the film.

According to media reports, the German works part-time as a street food vendor, and leading Thai news agencies have been working hard to identify him. Having learned about his popularity, the man himself got in touch and said that he was married and came to visit his wife’s relatives.

“Thank you to the Thais for accepting me. Thai people are wonderful, especially my wife,” he commented.

His wife also talked to reporters and said that back in Germany she noticed her husband’s similarity with Keanu Reeves and suggested that he grow his hair and beard to look exactly like the character John Wick. But the woman did not expect that her lover would have such enormous popularity in her homeland.

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