The hand of a still living Kadyrovite sticks out from the rubble and twitches after the arrival of Ukrainian ammunition

Category: Prisoners, PEGI 18
27 May 2024
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Ukrainian soldiers got to the base of the Kadyrovtsy unit and liquidated some of them.

According to Censor.NET, video footage from the site of the successful attack by Ukrainian fighters was published on social networks. The place of arrival and the liquidated Kadyrovites was filmed by one of the surviving occupiers. The recording shows the bodies of the destroyed invaders and one littered with debris and still alive. His hand sticks out from under the rubble and twitches.

“Kadyrovites again suffered heavy losses in Ukraine. As a result of an attack on one of the buildings in which they were hiding, dozens of servicemen of the Russian Armed Forces were eliminated. The author of this video managed to drag the dead bodies of several of his henchmen, but many remain to rot under the rubble and ruins. Kadyrovtsy , sold for pennies to Putin, become the same cannon fodder as the Russians,” the author of the publication notes in a commentary.

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