The Russians are more often attacking the Ukrainian Armed Forces and shooting at positions point-blank from planes due to the US delay in providing assistance, - Forbes

9 April 2024
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Due to the delay in military aid for Ukraine from the United States, Russian troops are more likely to storm Ukrainian positions. Due to the lack of missiles in the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the occupiers' aircraft can fly much closer to the front line and fire at positions with short-range missiles.

Forbes writes about this, Censor.NET reports.

The publication recalled how Russian planes recently came close to the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Chasovoy Yar area. In the video, Russian Air Force Su-25s can be seen firing at Ukrainian positions at low altitude from just a few meters away.

The Russians fired heat decoys to divert the attention of Ukrainian anti-aircraft gunners, but not a single Ukrainian missile rose to meet them.

"It doesn't help that Russia has stepped up air raids on Ukraine's largest cities, which has forced the Ukrainian Air Force to concentrate its best air defense batteries around these cities. This leaves gaps in air defense on the front line. Gaps that the Russian Air Force is taking advantage of," the publication explained. .

Earlier, Speaker of the US House of Representatives Mike Johnson promised to hold a vote in the US Congress this month to approve the next package of military aid for Ukraine. If the vote is successful, it will allow additional assets to be deployed to repel attacks along the line of contact.

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