A kamikaze drone delivers a high-explosive ammunition weighing two kilograms to the hiding place of enemy UAV operators.

26 March 2024
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Soldiers of the 47th Mechanized Brigade "Magura" using a kamikaze drone destroyed enemy UAV operators and their hiding places.

According to Censor.NET, to destroy the Russian drone pilots, Ukrainian fighters used high-explosive ammunition weighing two kilograms and delivered it by drone directly to the basement with the occupiers. The recording shows that the explosion caused the roof of the basement to rise for a moment, and then fell and covered everyone who was there.

"You don't see this often. Elimination of enemy pilots, along with their position and equipment. They are so relaxed that they do not wear body armor and helmets. They think that they are safe if they work from the basement. Our kamikaze drone with a 2 kg land mine just walked into the middle of the basement and detonated. It is impossible to survive after this,” the fighters note in the comments to the video.

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