Why does everyone love capybaras, even crocodiles? (5 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
5 March 2024

Okay, now to the really important questions. Why does everyone in the world love capybaras?

4 reasons for animal friendship with capybara.

The same guy who has friends in every area.

We brought you a whole stack of photographic evidence that in terms of sociability, the capybara is not inferior to the Disney princesses. Even crocodiles are friends with her!

But why is the capybara so respected by the entire animal community?

1. Because she is a herbivore

Attack, my army of reptilians!!!

But the herbivore will not eat you, so there is no point in being afraid of it.

Because of this reason, ungulates of different species can graze next to each other, and birds form multi-species flocks.

2. Because she is strong

Guys, I saw a movie where people like you, with armor, fought with nunchucks. Repeat?

An adult capybara weighs 60 kilos and has amazingly powerful jaws with large incisors.

Only very few predators are able to cope with the capybara.

But at the same time, the capi is not large enough to trample its counterpart.

3. Because the capybara is attentive

Why trample? Better let's hug!

Even during rest, the capybara continues to monitor its environment, and its vision and hearing are excellent.

Therefore, for her neighbors she is a kind of living radar.

And if the capybara suddenly starts running away, you need to run away 2 times faster.

Well, in order not to miss this moment, be closer to her.

4. Because capybaras are nutritious

Don't worry, you can cry on my furry shoulder.

No, not in that sense. It’s just that in the capybara’s long fur there is always something to eat; algae, parasites and small cohabitants are frequent guests there. The capybara is especially favored as a source of food by small birds and monkeys.

This is the secret of success and friendship. Be useful to those around you, and even local predators will come to you with good intentions.

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