The ambulance driver was to blame for the fatal accident

28 February 2024

The accident occurred on April 14, 2022 at the intersection of Volokolamsky Prospekt and Fadeev Street in Tver, but the end to this case was only set the other day. The ambulance driver was found guilty of the accident. He drove into the oncoming lane and drove through the intersection at a red traffic light, as a result of which he collided with a Mitsubishi Pajero SUV. Both cars flew into a crowd of pedestrians. The ambulance driver and a 69-year-old female pedestrian were killed. Five more were injured.

During the investigation, it was established that the Mitsubishi driver did not violate anything on the technical side by driving through the intersection on yellow, while the ambulance driver was not convinced of the safety of the maneuver, despite the presence of special light and sound signals.

The case was reclassified from Part 5 to Part 3 of Article 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, since violation of traffic rules led to the death of only one person, in addition to the accused.

The defendant's son tried to get his father acquitted and exonerated, arguing that the yellow traffic light did not give an advantage to the driver of the Mitsubishi. However, he misinterpreted the law. In accordance with paragraph 6.14 of the Russian Traffic Regulations, you can drive through an intersection on a yellow light if it is not possible to stop without emergency braking to the stop line. The Central District Court fully proved Shevchenko's guilt, but the criminal case was dropped due to his death.

29 February 2024
1 444 comments
просто списали на мертвого і, можливо, не без корупції
29 February 2024
24 504 comments
Один увімкнув маяки та їхав на всю, другий вирішив проскочити на жовтий. Підсумок дуже плачевний.
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