The mother of two daughters explained why she walks around the house completely naked (8 photos)

Category: Children, PEGI 16
16 February 2024

43-year-old Lisa Stewart from the USA said that she regularly walks around the house without clothes and taught her daughters to treat this without embarrassment. What great goal does she pursue and what does she see as her task as a parent? Here's a detailed first-person explanation.

I'm always naked in front of my kids and more moms should do the same.

When I enter my house after a day of work, the first thing I do is undress, and my children do not pay attention to this. My two girls, 15-year-old Tia and 12-year-old Lily, are used to me cooking in my underpants or cleaning the apartment completely naked. Our family consists of girls, there are no prohibitions for us in this sense, and I don’t consider this some kind of strange thing. Taking off your clothes in the privacy of your own home is a way to feel comfortable and shows your daughters that they don't have to be ashamed of their bodies.

After reading about model Heidi Klum walking topless around her large mansion in Los Angeles, I was convinced that I was not alone and that many mothers do the same. Heidi's daughter Leni revealed on the Call Her Daddy podcast that her mom often sunbathes topless by the pool - even when her friends are nearby. Leni, a 19-year-old fashion model, said she thought it was normal behavior but admitted she had never seen her friends' mothers do the same. But she reiterated that nudity is the absolute norm in their family.

Why not?

As a 43-year-old mother of two girls, I want my daughters to know that bodies come in different shapes and sizes, and that's okay. I also want them to grow up in a comfortable environment.

For example, I often come into Lily's room completely naked and ask her to spray tan me. And even if she rolls her eyes, she will get up and calmly spray the product from the can. She's not afraid to put me in all sorts of positions to get the perfect tan. Whether it's breasts or thighs, Lily will do it all.

Tia is the same, but she recently told me that she thinks I'm "too outspoken, too open on a personal level." And she added: “We saw all your things,” after which the three of us could not stop laughing. Now they see the funny side, but they weren’t always so comfortable. When they were 11 and 8 years old, they were horrified when I took off my clothes. They said that I had to cover up urgently. But gradually the girls got used to the fact that I walk around the house without clothes, and they even tell their girlfriends how “cool” I am.

I'm proud that my girls like my openness. I truly believe that if I'm comfortable enough to drop my pants, I become a better parent because we are completely comfortable with each other. There are no secrets in my house.

I wasn't always so confident in myself. As a teenager, I was mercilessly teased at school for my flat chest. I was very ashamed of my body, I changed under my clothes during physical education and stuffed my bra with socks. I was convinced that I was ugly and completely undateable. After leaving school I started working in sales and then got together with my ex-partner and had two girls.

But after giving birth, I found it very difficult to lose the weight I had gained, and my self-esteem problems got worse.

After Lily was born, I weighed 83 kg with a height of 1 m 67 cm. Before that, I always weighed about 58 kg and wore clothing sizes 8-10, so at my new weight I felt incredibly ugly and fat.

It got so bad that I wouldn't let my partner see me naked and even avoided my reflection in the mirror. My self-esteem dropped even lower when I split up with my partner in October 2013, and I wasn't sure if anyone would like me again.

So I decided it was time to act. I got in shape and started my own business, Star Luxury Tanning. By 2017, I had lost 25 kg and was back to my previous weight. Of course, my body still wasn't perfect, but along the way I began to appreciate it for the first time.

I realized that it doesn’t matter that I have small breasts, stretch marks and loose skin. My body has raised two wonderful children. I want to make sure my girls don't go through what I went through.

I finally felt confident enough to start walking around the house naked. DeThe girls were stunned at first - they had never seen me naked before. But this only encouraged me because I realized that I wanted them to have a much more comfortable relationship with their body than I ever had.

Heidi Klum's daughter said in that program that as a child she discovered her mother's "sex closet" - a closet full of sexy outfits and toys for adults. My girls were also once looking in my closet for clothes that they could borrow, and they found unusual underwear in one of the drawers. They were very revealing panties that I only save for special occasions, if you know what I mean.

They came up to me with them and asked: “Are you wearing this, seriously?” It was at that moment that I realized that my open parenting style was working. I ended up discussing with them the pros and cons of suspenders and tights, as well as what materials cause itching.

This led to a surprisingly open conversation about sex and birth control. They took all the information calmly and said that I was wasting my money on fashionable panties, especially since I so rarely wear them at home. They figured me out.

My kids know almost everything about me, from when I get my period to who I'm dating. I don’t hide anything and I’m proud that, like Heidi Klum, I’m open to them on a personal level.

I know some moms will be shocked at how openly I communicate with my girls. But I believe that parents who blush at the mere mention of sex are overprotective of their teenagers and raising them incorrectly. I don't want my daughters to be kids who don't know anything about the real world.

My girls are confident and know their stuff - and they both do well in school. They never lie to me and always come to me for advice because they know that I will not judge them. I hear all sorts of things from them, like which of their friends is dating, having sex, or doing drugs.

I know more about other people's children than the parents of many of them. This is because being “overly open” and willing to share your life with your children leads to a deeper level of trust and a unique connection. For me as a mother, one of the most important tasks is to help children learn to love themselves.

I want to empower my girls to embrace their bodies and show them that it's okay to have lumps and bumps, cellulite and dimples. We don't all look like models and celebrities, and that's completely okay.

Now I go without clothes almost every day and I think that thanks to this my girls have learned to love their bodies. Of course, walking around the house naked is risky, and I always make sure the curtains are drawn so the neighbors can't see. And I always keep a robe on hand in case someone comes to visit us. And the girls made me swear that I would never, ever do that when their friends came over. And when they grow up and have boyfriends, I will definitely cover for them.

Ultimately, I want my daughters to be informed, safe, and to love their bodies. If I can't set an example for them, I'll send them out into the world unprepared and vulnerable. I don't want my daughters to spend 35 years feeling ugly and ashamed like I did.

If my nakedness helps them love themselves, then what's wrong with that?

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