Attack on a sea terminal in the Leningrad region of the Russian Federation

23 January 2024
Today's night attack on the sea terminal in Russian Ust-Luga is a special operation of the Security Service of Ukraine.

This is confirmed by our sources, reports Censor.NET.

According to them, the SBU drones accurately targeted the target - the hits were accurate, a large-scale fire began and is still ongoing, the Russians were forced to evacuate their employees.

“The Ust-Luga Oil oil terminal in the Leningrad region is an important facility for the enemy. Fuel is processed there, which, in particular, is supplied to the Russian troops. A successful attack on such a terminal not only causes economic damage to the enemy, depriving the occupiers of the opportunity to earn money to wage war in Ukraine, but also significantly complicates the logistics of fuel for the Russian military,” our source adds.

As reported, on the night of Sunday, January 21, explosions were heard in the port of Ust-Luga, Leningrad Region. There was a fire at the terminal of the Novatek company.
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