In Russia, Alabai attacked a woman

20 January 2024
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In Karachay-Cherkessia, passers-by helped a woman fight off an attack by a large alabai. The incident was caught on CCTV.

Muklimat was going to see her niece at work. On the way, a huge dog rushed at her - he was walking without a leash, walking freely along the street. Women passers-by tried to help - they picked up what they had and began to drive the dog away. They managed to save Muklimat. The doctors spent an hour stitching up the wounds: there was a tear to the bone on the shoulder, on the elbow, huge scratches on the back, and it was a miracle that the carotid artery was not hit. Muklimat is now recovering in the hospital.

The owner of the alabai did not apologize, and his wife generally stated that it was not their pet that attacked the passerby. At the same time, the dog’s muzzle was covered in blood. They confessed only when a neighbor reported that the moment of the attack was recorded by a surveillance camera on the house. Locals say that the dog is often on a self-walk.

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