Bashkir woman calls on all Bashkir military personnel to leave the territory of Ukraine

17 January 2024

And return to their homeland to protect their people.

“While you are fighting for the ambitions of one person, your people are being beaten with batons by riot police and the Russian Guard. Return to defend your land.”

In the Russian Bashkortostan, special forces disperse one of the largest mass rallies in the Russian Federation since the beginning of a full-scale war against Ukraine

Thousands of people gathered outside the courthouse to support local activist Fail Alsynov, accused of “inciting hatred.” Today the court sentenced him to 4 years in a general regime colony because of the phrase “kara halyk,” which was incorrectly translated as “black people.” Investigators believed that Alsynov expressed himself negatively towards migrant workers from Central Asia and residents of the Caucasus.

It is worth noting that now in modern Turkic languages the expression “kara halyk” is used simply to designate the people.

The denunciation of the activist was written by the head of Bashkiria, Radiy Khabirov. He also demanded that the activist be checked for “discrediting the army” and “public calls for extremism.”

This morning in Baymak in Bashkortostan, the Internet was turned off and all entrances to the court building where the activist’s verdict was announced were blocked. Despite this, residents abandoned their cars and walked to the court.

The security forces began to beat and detain those gathered, and also put them face down in the snow. One of the protesters was given a summons. Riot police use tear gas, but the activists take away the batons from the security forces and throw pieces of ice at them.

* Fail Alsynov is one of the most famous public figures of Bashkortostan. He participated in many protests in the republic. He also headed the national organization “Bashkort”, which advocated for the sovereignty of Bashkortostan. Alsynov actively participated in protests against gold mining in the region in 2023.

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