So quiet in a city where almost all transport is electric

27 December 2023
Shenzhen, China is one of the fastest growing cities in the world. It is also one of the most environmentally friendly cities in the world. Almost all transport in Shenzhen is electric, including buses, taxis, trains and even some private cars. This makes the city much quieter than many other large cities.

One of the most noticeable features of Shenzhen is its silence. In the city there is almost no noise from internal combustion engines. This is especially noticeable in the city center, where the streets are filled with electric buses and taxis.

Electric transport has a number of advantages over transport with internal combustion engines. It is more environmentally friendly because it does not produce harmful emissions. It is also quieter, making the city a more comfortable place to live.

Shenzhen is an example of how cities can become cleaner and quieter by switching to electric transport.
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