Giant sperm whale stuck in shallow waters in Australia (3 photos + 1 video)
An amazing moment: visitors to Layton Beach in Perth, Australia saw a sperm whale right off the coast. The most curious ones swam up to him, despite the fact that it could be unsafe.
But who would miss such an opportunity?
According to marine biologist Natalie Sinclair, the situation looks harmless from the outside. In fact, the behavior of the sperm whale signals that the huge animal is tired, disoriented and looking for a place to rest. It is better for people to leave it alone and not to swim close: this can be dangerous both for the animal and for the people themselves.
The whale has come ashore twice in the past two days, most recently on the beach at Rockingham Naval Memorial Park. The animal, more than 15 meters long and weighing more than 30 tons, may have been looking for a place to rest, authorities said.

Swan Coastal Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) director Mark Cugley said the whale may have to be euthanized because it was unable to escape from the sandbank and back into the deeper water.
“I’m not sure he’ll be able to get out of the shallow water on his own. And he had clearly been looking for a place to rest for the past two days. That’s what he’s doing now on this sandbar,” he said.
The department also warned swimmers that the whale could attract sharks.