In Brazil, a living old woman was accidentally almost cremated (2 photos)

Category: Health, PEGI 16
4 December 2023

— The doctor said “to the morgue” - that means to the morgue!

On November 25, a 90-year-old grandmother was rushed to a local hospital in San Jose in serious condition. On the night of the 26th, she became completely gloomy, the doctor on duty, having declared death, ordered the deceased to be taken to the morgue.

The medical staff did not argue with the doctor; they put the old woman in a body bag and safely took her where she was supposed to go. 2 hours later, already in the morning, a crematorium employee came to work and realized in horror that the granny was alive. He breathes very weakly. She was urgently returned to the hospital, where two days later she finally came to rest.

But the relatives are sure that due to a medical oversight, their elderly relative, after spending several hours in a body bag, completely damaged her already fragile health. As a result of the oversight, the relatives were given two death certificates. The first, published erroneously, stated that the grandmother died of a urinary tract infection. And in the second, the cause of death is “septic shock.” The patient's family plans to sue the hospital, and the pensioner's friends are worried that elderly people in hospitals are treated with disdain.

Now exhale, say “Wow!” and eat the tangerine. Doctors, by the way, named how many of them can be eaten at a time with health benefits.

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