The guy decided to conduct an experiment and found out why it is dangerous to drink drinks from cans

21 November 2023

And no, these are not boring discussions about the amount of sugar or the quality of beer. Here everything is much more banal - bacteria on the lid.

It would seem, well, why bother here, all the cans come from the factory in plastic packaging and obviously there cannot be any dirt or contamination on them. If there is only some dust from transportation, and even then it’s not a problem - wipe it with your sleeve and that’s it, clean and ready for use.

But it's not that simple, my tin lovers. Suddenly it turned out that they weren’t particularly clean, don’t you believe me? See for yourself! For the purity of the experiment, a random can of soda was purchased, swabs were collected and cultured for microbes. The result is, in principle, natural.

So let's stock up on alcohol. For disinfection, and not for what you thought. Well, for those who are really squeamish, here’s some advice: pour the contents of the jar into a freshly washed glass and you will be happy!

1 comment
22 November 2023
24 494 comments
У дитинстві я їв недозрілі яблука біля дороги, горобину, якусь кислу траву в полі, котячий корм. Ковбаса впала на підлогу? Дуже смачна.

Отже, наявність мікробів на банку, це проблема мікробів.
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