30 funny shots from the life of pets (31 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+, Fun
20 October 2023

Pets constantly amuse us. They play pranks, react funny to what is happening, take breathtaking poses and make comical facial expressions. Here is a collection of photographs that will make you smile and lift your spirits.

1. Loving boxes won't do you any good.

2. His name is Cooper

3. Where is this water?

Pet quirks can be hilarious and just plain weird. But many of them are easily explained. For example, cats love to drink tap water. They probably find this water tastier than the water that has been sitting in a bowl for several hours.

Moreover, instincts tell animals that running water is cleaner. In nature, streams and rivers are ideal sources of water because they are often cleaner than ponds.

4. Best pose

5. Curious pug

6. Special boy

Another very characteristic feature of cats is their love of boxes. Many owners complain that no matter what toy they buy for their pet, it can't compare to the box.

This may be because cats like the security of a small, enclosed space. It’s also easier for them to stay warm.

Dogs have quirks too. For example, the so-called “zummi”. Occurs when a four-legged animal suddenly becomes active: running in circles, jumping. This way he gets rid of excess energy.

7. What does this mean?

Dogs also love to chew grass. Either they like the taste, or they don’t have enough fiber.

8. Ruffnut

9. Your own fashion designer

10. I'm thirsty

11. In a nap

12. Who is in charge here?

13. Help

14. It's all curiosity

15. Looks like a meerkat

16. This is Chester

17. Didn't calculate the jump

18. Headdress

19. Isn’t it time to go to the dentist?

20. Leftovers are sweet

21. Lover of hiding

22. Why not a yogi?

23. Watching your favorite program

24. This is how he drinks water

25. Favorite place

26.Lies well

27. Just look at her

28. Why not a house?

29. Let go

30. Gotcha

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