The director of an American school moved to a “mobile office” (10 photos)

18 October 2023

The school principal is the person to whose office you are called if you have done something wrong. This is one of the biggest fears of a student, probably in any country in the world. But there are also exceptions. For example, Jared Lamb, who does not sit menacingly in his office, but drives around the school with a cart in order to be able to actively communicate and quickly respond to everything.

Jared, a school principal with 15 years of experience, decided to give up his usual office

The principal's office is a mythical place of horror, from which the screams of condemned students can be heard far away. Perhaps that's why Jared, head of BASIS Baton Rouge Matter Charter School in Louisiana, decided it was time for a big change. Schools are not what they used to be, and to keep up with the times, he has taken a rather unconventional approach.

“How can I help teachers and students if I sit at a desk in an office all day?” he asks in a TikTok video.

Now Jared navigates the school hallways with a cute cart that serves as his mobile office.

This innovation allows him to actively communicate with students, monitor them and, if necessary, lend a helping hand. He also cares about his fellow teachers.

“I spend my days running around the hallways, going into classrooms and helping teachers solve problems,” he says. This is a breath of fresh air! Instead of being the cold, unapproachable head of the school, he prefers to "serve" his employees.

“I do my rounds every morning. I'm just checking in to see how the teachers are doing and how I can help. Do they need an immediate break to go to the toilet, for example? Maybe you urgently need to make a few photocopies for a lesson? Little things can add up to a lot.”

When a boss cares about employees, it greatly affects their well-being. Helping out, sending a funny meme, or simply saying, “Good job today, keep up the good work” can all make you feel valued and supported. When employees don't have to shake with fear at the thought of an evil boss, they feel better. and they work better.

“How can I support teachers and students while sitting in my office?”

“I spend my days roaming the hallways, going into classrooms and serving teachers.”

Jared believes that a culture of open communication on a more personal level is very important. And it’s already producing results! According to statistics, in the state of Louisiana, where he works, the school sector is experiencing the highest rate of teacher layoffs in the last ten years. But teachers don’t run away from his school like that: “From last year to this year, we have 90 percent of the teaching staff left.” So he's doing everything right.

Despite criticism, he believes that these indicators confirm his success

Jared is also active on social media - he has an impressive following of 49.2 thousand users on the TikTok platform, where he posts many funny videos. He talks about education, how to connect with students, and engages in debates on topics such as fast food in schools.

Despite many positive comments, not everyone seems to agree with the director's strategy. Commentators speculate that this approach can cause increased anxiety among employees: the boss is constantly looming somewhere nearby, and the creaking of his cart wheels can be heard in the corridor. Others have expressed concern that his “support” may seem like micromanagement.

Jared responds to criticism by explaining that he is simply sharing a strategy that works for him and his team and may not work for others. “I'm not saying my approach is the best, but it has had a positive impact on my school,” he says. “Overall, I think the reaction has been more positive than negative.”.

Perhaps Jared's example will encourage other educators to find innovative approaches that will improve the school climate and benefit teachers and students.

Were there such innovative teachers at your school?

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