A fake lawyer who won all his cases in court was arrested in Kenya (2 photos)

16 October 2023

This scoundrel has never lost a single case he has taken on.

An absurd story recently happened in Kenya. It turned out that Brian Mwenda, one of the most successful lawyers in the country, never had a legal education and is generally an impostor. At the same time, the false lawyer easily won the most complex cases in the Supreme, Magistrates and Courts of Appeal of Kenya.

He has 26 cases to his credit, in which his clients always emerged victorious in court. And yet, according to the Law Society of Kenya, he was never a member of the Law Society or a member of its chapter. According to the report, Mwenda successfully posed as a legal professional for a long period and even judges did not question his competence until his recent arrest.

Last Thursday, the Law Society of Kenya Nairobi Branch Rapid Response Team (RAT) detained Mwenda pending further investigation.

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