15 people who had problems out of nowhere (17 photos)

Category: Fun, PEGI 16
13 October 2023

We all know that there are days when everything goes wrong and it feels like the whole world is against you. Well, no matter how hard it may be, you should always remember that problems don't last forever. In this post you will see unpleasant situations, the participants of which can only sympathize.

1. A friend went on a business trip and came back to this

2. I received first-degree burns at night when I decided to drink tea.

3. Decided to put on makeup in the car

4. Boiled chicken with wrapper

5. My shoe fell apart in the middle of a long hike.

6. My art tent was blown down by hurricane winds.

7. Knocking down the bag with keys was a bad idea.

8. A carefree walk in the sun sometimes brings unexpected results.

9. When you think you won't see anything strange today

10. Turned on the wrong burner while cooking dinner.

11. At night I thought it was a case for my headphones

12. Where is my car?

13. I scattered a bunch of colorful beads and now I have to sort them by hand

14. Someone lost their phone

15. This happened before an important meeting.

16. There weren’t a single bean in the jar.

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