25 stupid inscriptions in public places from would-be philosophers (26 photos)

Category: Fun, PEGI 0+
6 October 2023

The fact that there is always something written on the fence has long been known. And this phenomenon is ubiquitous... Here, for example, are the random, stupid and meaningless inscriptions that can be seen on walls and in public places in Europe and the USA. There are quite funny and even original ones, but for the most part all this rock art raises one question: “Why?”

1. “This is a work of art”

2. “And now will your God help you?”

3. "Swimming World: Because You're Amazing" ...But Fat

4. “Sometimes it’s easier for people to call you a bad person so they don’t feel guilty about what they did to you.”

5. One letter and an art gallery turns into a farting gallery

6. “Mom, look, I’m a street artist.”

7. "Take me back to the 90s"

8. This is not a “wet floor”, this is “Catch the Wave!”

9. “Put in twice as much garlic.”

10. “Poets are those who muddy the waters to make them look deep.”

11. “Love is free (free) and so is shoplifting.”

12. “Cheese is life”

13. “I farted at yoga”

14. “Let me keep my shitty job.”

15. “Throw your trash in the damn trash can!”

16. “Ketchup is just tomato jam.”

17. There's no better place than a London pub toilet to appreciate the universal truth of human existence: "All men poop."

18. Found in Iceland: “The Northern Lights are beautiful, but the tourists are not.”

19. "Don't trust anyone"

20. "Sorry"

21. “This door is alarmed (equipped with an alarm)” - “The windows are alarmed too”

22. "I love eggs"

23. "Cheese"

24. “Why?”

25. “Shrek 2 is the best film in the history of cinema”

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