Already the pants flew off. In Yekaterinburg, shopping center visitors fought over food

30 August 2023
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A large man laid down his opponent with one left.

One of the visitors of the cafe decided to dine for free, took food from the distribution and went. The cashier, who saw this, was indignant, began to shout at the insolent.

At some point, another visitor to the establishment intervened in the dispute, who was not satisfied with such a daring act. The fighter for justice, who, in terms of his physique, turned out to be much larger than the lover of free food, laid him down literally with one left hand.

He gave his opponent several resounding slaps, from which the man's pants flew off. The enemy could not stand on his feet and collapsed to the floor.

The employees of the catering enterprise tried to separate the fighters, but in vain.

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