16 Designers Who Turned Ordinary Objects Into Real Masterpieces (17 Photos)

14 August 2023

When designers give free rein to their imagination more than usually, they make unique creations. Combination ingenuity and creativity leads to the creation of amazing things, and you will see some examples in this post.

1. Two-level hot tub with side panel

2. One banana per day package containing multiple bananas different ripeness so you can eat them for several days, Korea

3. Edgeland House in Austin, Texas

4. The roads at Ohio State University were built on the basis of routes that students naturally chose

5. To make the most of the space during a long flight

6. Convenient case

7. Stunning look

8. Pool in the basement

9. Design against domestic violence

March 8 - Other days.

10. Stained glass that can be used as a coffee table

11. Luma Arles Tower in France by Frank Gehry

12. Ingenious sauna design

13. Emergency stairs that light up when they go down it

14. The perfect case for storing headphones

15. This boat has a place for underwater viewing.

16. Digital hangers showing the size and price of each piece of clothing

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