Stripped naked, beaten with batons, forced to pinch the grass

4 August 2023
Eyewitnesses filmed footage of bullying of servicemen of a tank division in Naro-Fominsk near Moscow. The authors of the video comment that the brigade commander forced the military to strip naked. The video was sent by a reader in the bot sirenanews_bot. "Sirena" found the source in the group of VK "Obninskaya tower".

Judging by the video, the rest of the servicemen decided to stop bullying: “People began to resent, why mock the people? There is some kind of limit, ”the authors of the video comment on what is happening on the video.

Sirena found out that the building in the video is located on the territory of the 4th Panzer Kantemirovskaya Division in the city of Naro-Fominsk.

What ended the "rebellion" of the military, the circumstances of the incident, as well as the date of the incident - is unknown.

Three years ago, the Ministry of Attack assured that hazing in the army was allegedly completely eradicated, but since the beginning of the war it has only become more - commanders, in particular, put military men in pits for any offenses at the front.
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