Attack on the Novorossiysk port. All water drones are destroyed, but there is a nuance

4 August 2023
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The Ukrainian Armed Forces attacked the naval base in Novorossiysk at night, - Russian Ministry of Defense.

Two offshore unmanned boats were operating. They claim that all targets were destroyed by fire from Russian ships.

Not a word about the “oil beacon”. But this does not mean that there was no arrival

Well, here's our information:

The SBU conducted a special operation in Novorossiysk Bay: the large landing ship "Olenegorsky Gornyak" was damaged.

The video shows a surface drone loaded with 450 kg of TNT attacking a Russian ship with about 100 crew members. The special operation was carried out together with the Navy.

The Olenegorsk Miner received a serious hole and cannot carry out its combat missions.

The new footage shows that the ship is very difficult to tow, it is increasingly lying on its side. It is interesting that there is no dry dock in Novorossiysk that could accept this large landing ship for repairs, and this significantly increases the chances of losing the ship.

Attack on the Novorossiysk port. All water drones are destroyed, but there is a nuance

In general, this attack once again shows that the Russian fleet will be methodically destroyed, which will help not only weaken the enemy’s military power, but also show the world that the Kremlin will not be able to organize a complete blockade of our ports.

This is also a great blow to the Russian society and the reputation of the Ministry of Defense. They stated that the attack had been repelled, but it turned out that their large landing craft had received serious damage. Military correspondents are already dispelling indignation at the actions of the Russian Defense Ministry.

We are monitoring the situation with the Olenegorsky Miner BDK further...

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