On the Spanish island of Tenerife, African snails keep tourists at bay (4 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
27 July 2023

Tourists on the Spanish island of Tenerife have been warned of the threat which comes from African snails. These snails can eat plaster from the house and infect a person with meningitis. The danger is like a snail, and the places where it crawled.

Invasive Alien Detection and Intervention Network species in the Canary Islands (REDEXOS) informed tourists about the danger, which comes from African snails of the species Lissachatina fulica. home The health threat that comes from the snail is meningitis. African snails carry the parasite that causes this disease. Meningitis can be fatal, so tourists are strongly advised not to touch those snails. You can also get infected through fruits and vegetables, which they managed to crawl through.

In addition, these snails pose a danger to the ecosystem. They reproduce at an amazing rate, and in a few years they can fill the whole island. In Tenerife they have a natural enemy, in addition, there are almost no predators left on the tourist island, Express reports.

In their homeland, in Africa, snails of this species can reach up to 35 centimeters long. The indigenous people of Africa began to eat snails 170 thousand years ago. Snails are beautiful and, most importantly, very available source of valuable nutrients. Eat them raw dangerous, but the Africans figured out how to avoid the danger. Africans fried snails to get rid of toxins.

In addition, African snails are excellent pets. Many people have them at home.

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