Exotic animals that retained the features of dinosaurs (12 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
20 July 2023

Dinosaurs are a very, very distant past. However, we are all we can still observe their distant relatives. In nature you can find there are quite a few animals that have retained the features of dinosaurs. Let's Let's take a look at these amazing and exotic creatures.

Cassowaries, a species of the genus Emu

Look at this beautiful and dangerous bird! She really close to dinosaurs, as evidenced by its claws and helmet-shaped process on head.

Flying dragon - a real dream of science fiction

Flying dragons are a genus of lizards that live in Southeast Asia.

The large eared nightjar resembles a small dragon

Fringed turtle (mata-mata)

The turtle resembles a prehistoric animal with its cone-shaped tubercles on the shell and a triangular massive head, which complements proboscis.

Hornbill - a descendant of pterosaurs

cape vulture

The wingspan of this impressive bird reaches two and a half meters.

Royal condor - winged predator

The frilled lizard makes a fuss

This lizard resembles Dilophosaurus, which may have had a similar collar.

Philippine sail lizard

This reptile is also called the Sailing Dragon. She deserved such a name, despite the lack of wings.

Shields (triops)

These freshwater crustaceans have hardly changed the last 70 million years, they can definitely be called the descendants of dinosaurs.

Chinese giant salamander

The largest amphibian in the world reaches almost two meters in length! TO Unfortunately, this historical animal is on the verge of extinction due to great popularity of its use in food and medicine.

moray eel

These terrifying fish reach up to one and a half meters in length. Fortunately, they live at the bottom and mostly hide in rock crevices.

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