Work kills: Japanese workaholics who can't imagine their life without work (8 photos)

7 July 2023

July 5 is International Workaholic Day. On this day you can't keep silent about the Japanese, for whom work is something more than just way to make money. There is even a term in Japanese "karoshi", which means "death by work": ka (over), ro (labor) si (death).

Some scientists believe that the Japanese love for work is connected with work in the fields. This is a very difficult task that requires a lot of strength. and time. It is difficult to get rid of centuries-old traditions.

Modern Japanese work for the most part not in the fields, but in offices, but that makes little difference. The working day in Japan is the same like everywhere else: from 8 or 9 in the morning, and ends at 17:00 or 18:00. But not enough which of the Japanese arrives on time and leaves immediately after the end of the working day.

If the Japanese plan to meet at 9 o'clock, then at 8:45 everyone already in place. Is someone late at 8:50? The meeting attendees begin get nervous. Someone came at exactly 9:00? So he's already late.

Another reason for recycling: setting up offices. In Japan open space offices are accepted. This is when all employees and superiors are in front of each other. In such conditions, leave early considered shameful, so everyone sits to the last. If the Japanese is not managed to get home, he can always spend the night in a hotel.

The Japanese spend about three hours a day commuting to work. They leave on the first train and leave on the last. Because of this, the Japanese see little of their loved ones. This leads to the fact that with personal Japanese life is difficult. Young people are absorbed in work and rarely can find time for a relationship. Those who are lucky enough to start a family are few spend time at home with their families. As a result, the divorce rate couples who have lived together for more than 15 years have a very high. Man goes on a well-deserved rest and realizes that he is a stranger in the family.

Another problem for Japanese workaholics is energy. Exactly at In 1960, the Japanese invented miracle drinks with caffeine, taurine, glucose, vitamin C and other supplements. The drink gives vivacity, which necessary for the tired Japanese.

With holidays for the Japanese, too, not everything is simple. Vacation lasts for an average week and the Japanese during this time gallop through attractions.

Also, for workaholics in Japan, they came up with various gadgets that help them work better, longer and more comfortably.

For example, here is a set that is given out at work. In each - pills, wipes, bags and ponchos for privacy. It turns out that this portable toilet.

But such a thing helps the Japanese work in huge open offices. It helps not to be distracted by extraneous stimuli. and fully focus on work.

It even happens that the Japanese fall asleep right on the street. Workaholism in Japan is slowly becoming a problem, so employers figured out a way. Many at 19:00 turn off the lights in the offices, for people to leave.

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