There was a rumor ...: who can star in the new "Harry Potter" (7 photos)

Category: Movie, PEGI 0+
7 July 2023

You already know that Warner Bros. announced the creation of the series Harry Potter. Fans, as is often the case, are divided into two camps. Some immediately screamed: "Please don't! Leave Harry alone!". Well, others took the news positively and optimistically. When exactly shooting starts, what the new story will be about is unknown. But the rumors Naturally, they are already multiplying and spreading over the Web like a virus. However, perhaps the most interesting for the audience is the casting. And just now from out of nowhere a certain blogger "incorrectharrypotter" appeared, who turned out to be "sensational information" from "verified and anonymous sources. She claims that she knows the candidates for the main roles series. To take her word for it, of course, there is no reason, but all equally curious. Well, let's see what kind of "insider" this is.

Bronte Carmichael – Hermione Granger

According to the blogger, Bronte will do an excellent job with the role of Hermione. Carmichael, who performed well in the films "Christopher Robin" and "Dark Times".

Joshua Pickering - Ron Weasley

A more comely Ron Weasley could have been played by Joshua Pickering. By the way, he played the role of John Darling in the movie "Peter Pan and Wendy", which was released on April 28 this year.

Adam Driver - Severus Snape

Adam Driver really vaguely resembles Snape. Quite it is possible that the actor would have been successful with the public by playing this role.

Tom Felton - Lucius Malfoy

The blogger said that Tom Felton will return to the universe, but in the form of Lucius Malfoy. Good move!

Blair Underwood - Albus Dumbledore

The blogger assured that Blair Underwood could well have been approved for the role of the wizard Dumbledore

Helen Mirren - Minerva McGonagall

Helen Mirren would be perfect for the role of a professor of witchcraft, not only in age, but also in type.

Toby Wolfe - Harry Potter

According to the girl, aspiring young actor Toby Wolfe can play the main character - Harry Potter. I wonder if the guy could be as persuasive as Daniel?

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