American scientists showed a video about the consequences of a nuclear war between Russia and NATO countries

Category: Other video, PEGI 16
30 June 2023
The result is the death of 5 billion people and 10 years without sunlight.

Employees of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology made a video about nuclear war and what will happen after. According to scientists, there will be two main participants: Russia and the United States. In the event of a conflict, NATO will take the side of the Americans - Great Britain, France, Germany and all other countries of the bloc. If, according to the NATO charter, they are obliged to protect their partner, then missiles will also fly to them. China will also enter into a confrontation and uncover its nuclear weapons.

According to the calculations of analysts and researchers, the ash raised into the atmosphere will cover the Earth from sunlight for 10 years and nuclear winter will come. As a result of mutual strikes, radiation, hunger and cold, 99% of the inhabitants of Russia, Western Europe, China, the USA and other states will die. The forecast for the restoration of civilization after such a fuss is very vague. If it is possible at all, it is recovery.

As they say in the video: "There will be no winners in such a war."
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