Terrible, but completely harmless animals (14 photos)

Category: Nature, PEGI 16
23 June 2023

If you bring these little animals, many people will start to have a real panic. AND they can be understood, because they look really creepy. However, As the saying goes, don't judge a book by its cover. Despite his not the most...cute appearance, the creations from this collection are absolutely harmless. It is clear that it is better not to provoke them, otherwise the person will be bad. Hence, it is better to admire these cute animals from afar... just in case.

bug-legged spider

These creatures are often kept by humans as pets. Not the cutest monsters feed on insects and termites.

milk snake

Milk snakes are not venomous and have a rather mild disposition, which makes them ideal for home keeping. reptiles can live up to 20 years in captivity, and some individuals even up to 30 years (but this happens very rarely).

Chalcosoma atlas beetle

The chalcosoma atlas beetle is one of the largest beetle species in the world. the world. It can reach a length of up to 11 centimeters and have a wingspan up to 20 centimeters.

Whale shark

The whale shark is the largest shark in the world. She can reach a length of up to 12 meters (rarely up to 18-20) and weigh up to 20 tons.


Gharials, also known as Gangetic crocodiles, are one of the of the largest freshwater predators found in Asia. They can grow up to 6 meters in length and weigh more than 160 kilograms. Despite for their impressive size, gharials are not dangerous to humans, since prey mainly on fish.

Black Giant African Centipede

These centipedes are completely non-aggressive. They will gladly your pets. However, they have one drawback - they extremely skittish. Frightened, centipedes secrete a protective liquid with pungent odor that can cause skin irritation.

Skotoplanenes or porpoise

Porpoises are found at very great depths. In fact, these creatures are sea cucumbers, but only with legs.

goliath tarantula

The tarantula impresses with its dimensions. The size of his body reach 28 centimeters. Spider lovers often get him into their as a pet.

Chinese giant salamander

Have you ever met a lizard that weighs 70 kilograms? If not, then we suggest admiring the Chinese salamander.


The Vulture is a specialist in carrion feeding. They have no incentive to attack other animals and people.

Manta or giant sea devil

Mantas are harmless giants that do not have sharp spikes, teeth and do not produce electrical discharges. In the photo - the only one in the world a pink stingray that was first photographed by a ski instructor diving Ryan Jeffrey in 2015.

common sand shark

Despite a mouth full of sharp teeth, the sand shark is considered non-aggressive. However, divers should not deliberately provoke these predators and test them for patience (especially in mating period).

Deep sea hatchetfish

This terrifying-looking predator has a rather modest size - only 9 centimeters.

Ruffian camel spider

Seeing such a handsome man, you can be seriously scared. But camel The spider does not have poisonous glands, so it is not capable of harming to a person. However, this insect is better in vaindo not worry, because it has quite powerful jaws.

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