27 myths and misconceptions that turned out to be extremely tenacious (28 photos)

23 May 2023

Some stories sound too unreal to be true. At least that's what those who don't believe in them think fiction, deceit, or simply a legend. Here are some examples conspiracy theories and all sorts of superstitions - decide for yourself, accept them at face value or doubt.

1. The Earth is flat, and from space it looks like a “ball” only because gravity distorts light

2. Your character depends on what day and hour you were born.

3. All world leaders, royalty, important people - reptilians (the theory of British conspiracy theorist David Icke)

4. Whales control the weather and cause global warming, because their movements are influenced by ocean currents and air currents

5. If your driver's license is marked "donor organs", an ambulance will let you die to take your organs

6. Many people sincerely believe that the blood inside their body is blue.

7. Earth is only 6,000 years old

Tell that to the Sumerians!

8. We only use 10% of our brain.

9. Breatharianism (sun eating). The idea that people can live without food, and all we really need to survive is oxygen and solar energy as food

10. If you get bitten by a snake and live, the snake will die instead.

It looks like an Indian parable, not devoid of grace.

11. If you get robbed at an ATM, you need to enter your PIN backwards. This will allow you to withdraw money as usual, but “warn” the police, who will immediately send a patrol to you car

12. The clouds in the sky are not real. They are just the fruit of our imagination, because "the government is brainwashing everyone" by forcing think clouds exist

13. If you scare a pregnant woman, the child will be born with strabismus.

14. Mona Lisa is actually a portrait of Leonardo da Vinci in women's clothing.

15. If you sleep with the fan on, you can suffocate during dream. Because the blades cut the air, creating gaps (Korean urban myth)

16. The Illuminati get two corpses every year and put them in cans of Coca-Cola. They then use them to ferment Coke and sell it to people to control them

17. Moon landing is fake

18. You need to wear special bracelets that improve the "magnetic balance"

19. If a black cat crosses your path, you will have a long streak of bad luck.

20. Chinese fast food is just a way to make Americans fatter so it's easier to win them over.

21. The earth is actually hollow, butinside it lives a race of superhumans

22. The authorities deliberately buried dinosaurs in the ground to discredit religion and prove evolution.

23. Aliens populated the Earth with people to mine gold for them

24. If you have a newborn baby, you need to get rid of cats in the house, because she will climb into the crib and the child may suffocate

25. If you have satellite navigation/GPS, this means that the government is spying on you and can control your car

26. The Bermuda Triangle really exists.

27. The creator of Hello Kitty made a deal with the devil, to save his daughter who had oral cancer, and that is so she created hello kitty

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