A group of gypsies brazenly robbed a store in Ryazan

Category: Eyewitness, PEGI 16
4 May 2023

The camera of one of the shops in Ryazan showed how the gypsies went shopping on May Day. We went, judging by the video, very well - the prices in stores in the City Grove area are just a gift.

It is reported that eight dark-skinned guys collapsed into a small confectionery shop "Gingerbread", and while one merry fellow distracted the attention of the saleswoman, allegedly choosing ice cream, the rest were dragging everything that was not lying well from the counter. Moreover, the presence of the camera, about which the store employee informed them, did not bother the thieves at all.

As a result, the store missed cans of coffee, boxes of cookies and ice cream. But this is only what is visible on the recording from the camera, which is also not able to record all the tricks of the romals. What is there to say about the saleswoman.

As it became known, a group of gypsies, caught on video, visited more than a dozen stores in this way yesterday. According to one of the owners of the outlet, they were raiding local shops all day long and dragging "anything you like" from the shelves. Traders, according to him, wrote 200 (!) statements to the police. Well, the police said they started an investigation. But what is there to check? Everything is visible.

1 comment
8 May 2023
цыгане они такие ! отстрел
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