russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for April 21-22

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
23 April 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy


Group of Russian mercenaries "Wagner" is supplying the Sudanese Rapid Support Forces (RSF) with air defense missiles to help the RSF in a coup attempt against the Sudanese army along with Libyan putschist Haftar.

- Ukraine announced that it used for the first time the recently delivered Patriot air defense system; in one direction

- The Ukrainian military will begin training on Abrams tanks in the next few weeks.

31 M1A1 Abrams tanks (one Ukrainian battalion) will arrive at the Grafenwöhr training ground in Germany by mid-late May.

Training is expected to take up to 10 weeks.

- In the occupied Melitopol, the Russian air defense system "Tor" turned over.

- French-supplied damaged Ukrainian 155-mm howitzer TRF1 near Liman

- Medvedev:

Great Britain was, is and will be the eternal enemy of Russia.

- Chief American General Milli:

About 25,000 Ukrainian soldiers are now undergoing training in Germany, about 8,000 have already completed it and returned home.

The West donated over 230 tanks and 1,500 other armored vehicles to Ukraine to equip 9 armored brigades.

- Latvia will transfer all its Stinger MANPADS to Ukraine

- Ukrainian 155-mm howitzer PzH 2000 with a protective net against attacks by Russian kamikaze UAVs.

- The SBU detained traitors who, at the beginning of the Russian invasion, set fire to a fire station in the Kyiv region.

During the occupation of the Vyshgorod region, the traitors went over to the side of the enemy. On March 22, 2022, for a reward from the Rashists, they set fire to the premises of the fire and rescue unit in the village of Ivankov.

- All NATO allies agree that Ukraine should become a member of the — Stoltenberg.

He stated this after yesterday's visit to Kyiv.

- Elon Musk's fortune has fallen the most since the beginning of the year – for $12.6 billion, — Bloomberg.

This comes as SpaceX's Starship rocket exploded four minutes after launch, the removal of blue verification checkmarks on Twitter, and a 10% drop in Tesla shares.

- In the Odessa region, the border guards handed a summons to a man-woman.

A 35-year-old Ukrainian was detained on the Odessa-Reni highway. The border guards checked the documents that give grounds for crossing the transit section of the road, and noticed that the passenger in dark glasses and a headscarf was not at all female.

Trans explained that he came home to Odessa from work on Easter and planned to go abroad again.

- It turns out that Yatsenyuk did not steal money from the Wall project.

"Recognize the disseminated (information)" as unreliable and discrediting the honor, dignity and business reputation ", – noted in the court decision.

- YouTube immediately responded to the request of Ukraine and removed the video advertising PMC "Wagner".

Removed videos with more than 1 mila lion of views. The channels that distributed them were also removed.

- Ukraine is ready to return even more territories, — Stoltenberg.

Stoltenberg added that the main focus of the alliance now is to ensure that Ukraine defeats the unprovoked Russian invasion, and after the end of the war, Kiev has "deterrence to prevent new attacks."

- The head of the IAEA saw military preparations in the area of the Zaporozhye NPP, — report.

According to Grossi, during the last week, IAEA experts heard shelling almost every day, and once they were even offered to go down to the bomb shelter.

- The Russians will accumulate missiles all summer, and then they will try to hit the energy sector, – Director of the Energy Research Center Kharchenko.

While the war continues, there is a possibility of new massive shelling, as a result of which the threat of a blackout may be repeated. He noted that it could be October-November.

However, we will have a better understanding of what is going on and we will be much better prepared.

- Berlin has decided on the mass expulsion of Russian diplomats.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation informed about it. They also promised a mirror response in the form of the expulsion of German diplomats from Russia.

- In the committee on legal policy of the Verkhovna Rada sit the members of the opposition party Puzanov, Shpenov and Nimchenko.

Nimchenko is generally deputy chairman of the committee. And one of the closest associates of Medvedchuk and the leaders of his organization "Ukrainian Choice".

Everyone is satisfied with this, especially Shulyak, but they are working constructively, and cannot make a decision on the dismissal of the OPFJ workers from work.

- An alarming forecast was given in Sweden: Ukraine is facing a protracted war of attrition.

“We must be prepared for the fact that the war can be very long. To do this, it is important to make sure that we can provide logistics, spare parts, ammunition, », — Swedish Defense Minister Paul Jonsson said.

- +630 asvabadiers

From the officer corps:

▪️Lieutenant Nikolai Petrov

▪️Senior Lieutenant Igor Borisenko

▪️Senior Lieutenant Vladislav Isakov

▪️mobik captain Mikhail Sizov

During the full-scale war, 185050 mobiles went into the sunset

- Panties, socks and condensed milk of the second army were transported on a makeshift raft

▪️300 shorts were received by asvabaditel from residents of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. They were transported along the river, because by plane it is expensive

Does it also seem to you that 300 shorts is too little for their situation?

- Residents of Omsk have an urgent problem

Survived, neither to war, nor to marry - they don't want anything

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