45-year-old man rose to social media success by posing as a teenage girl (6 pics)

19 April 2023

Blogger Nanami Kana (Nanami かな) in photos on Twitter looks like a typical Japanese teenage girl. But recently she shocked her followers with her 12-year-old snaps, on who appeared as a full middle-aged man.

It is hard to believe that these three photographs are of the same person.

But it is so. A popular blogger with the appearance of a young girl on in fact, a 45-year-old man who lost weight and created virtual alter ego.

12 years ago, Nanami Kana weighed 60 kg more than today, and 8 years ago the situation with weight became even sadder (115 kg). Doctors warned the man that if he did not lose weight, he would have serious health problems.

As a result, he went on a strict diet, eating mostly tofu and lost more than half of my body weight in a few years. Now he weighs only 54 kg, wears size M (used to be XXL), and even shoe size decreased (foot length was 29 cm, became 27 cm).

After extreme weight loss, Nanami was able to fulfill his dream of modeling clothes for girls and young women, himself performing as a model of invented outfits and has already managed to win quite large audience on the Internet.

By the way, pretending to be young girls for Japanese men are not uncommon. You can cite the example of the "queen of cosplay" Rei Dunois portrayed with great success by a guy, or Takumu Tani, A 40-year-old married man who also transforms into Japanese schoolgirls.

Ray Dunois

Takuma Tani

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