How the members of the popular boy bands of the 90s have changed (22 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
9 April 2023

The demand for boy bands has long ceased. Today one can distinguish except for the Korean group BTS, and then it recently broke up, which caused a wave of tantrums in all the schoolgirls of the planet. However, in the 90s, boy bands were on the peak of demand and success. Perhaps every second teenage girls in the room hung posters "Backstreet Boys" and "'N Sync". Then few who could resist these cute faces and no less sweet voices singing about love. But since then it's been whole 30 years! And all these pretty young men turned into respectable uncles. Most of which, by the way, have long gone into the shadows, yielding to place for the younger generation. Let's see how the members have changed popular boy bands of the 90s.

Backstreet Boys

Backstreet Boys is the standard of a boy band, which, without exaggeration, equaled many other musical groups (and we are talking not only about musicians from the USA). The band has sold over 100 million records worldwide. the world. Not everyone can boast of such results. contemporary artist.

The Backstreet Boys have fans all over the world, their music especially popular in Europe and Asia. It is curious that love for them creativity continues to this day.

Nick Carter

Howie Dorough

AJ McLean

Brian Littrell

Kevin Richardson

'N Sync

American boy band whose songs almost everyone recognizes from the first notes. The kids have a lot to be proud of. Their albums sold in the millions circulations, the tracks repeatedly hit the top of the charts. By the way, their the first two studio albums went diamond.

Justin Timberlake

Jaycee Shaze

Lance Bass

Joey Faton

Chris Kirkpatrick

take that

The commercial success of Take That in the first half of the 90s often compared with the popularity of the Liverpool four The Beatles. No wonder, because the guys had a multi-million army of fans around the world.

Gary Barlow

Robbie Williams

Howard Donald

Mark Owen


One of the most famous Irish boy bands of the 90s. Six topped the UK national chart once. During his existence, the guys were able to sell about 20 million of their records. By the way, the guys from the Take That group were their main competitors.

Ronan Keating

Mickey Graham

Keith Duffy

Shane Lynch

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