Krasnodar resident beat up a car driver for loud music

15 March 2023
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The National Guardsmen who arrived at the scene of the brawl surprised me with their prudence.

Late Sunday night, on Sormovskaya Street in Krasnodar, an inveterate music lover parked near the hotel, who really wanted the bass of his speaker system to be appreciated by all the people nearby.

The first to appreciate the resident of a nearby house who woke up because of the noise. He went down to the intruder and made a remark to him, asking him to turn off the music. But in response, he heard only foul language. This was the last straw and a local resident attacked the driver with his fists. The hotel administrator, seeing a brawl outside the windows, immediately pressed the panic button.

The Russian Guardsmen who arrived at the place did not take a long time to figure it out. The sleepy man was sent to sleep, and the 36-year-old violator of the silence was taken to the police department.

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