In Ufa, a strong wind blew the dome from a long-term mosque

15 March 2023

In a matter of seconds, the wind tore off the structure and it collapsed to the ground.

Today, March 13, the mosque "Ar-Rahim" lost one of the domes. The gilded structure crowning the minaret staggered for a short time under the gusts of wind and, in the end, fell to the ground.

Fortunately, there were no additional damage and casualties, but the fallen dome is unlikely to be restored. In addition, he demolished scaffolding.

"Ar-Rahim" is a real long-term construction, which was frozen many times due to misappropriation of funds. The construction of the mosque began back in 2007, and it has not yet been put into operation. The head of Bashkiria, Radiy Khabirov, stated that money was again needed to complete the work, and considerable money - about 4 billion rubles. Local activists even applied for financial assistance to the head of Tatarstan, but, apparently, they did not find the required amount.

The deadlines for the completion of the mosque are constantly being postponed. Initially, they wanted to open it in 2015, but when this significant event for local Muslims will finally take place, no one can answer for sure.

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