What the houses of geniuses look like (14 photos)

9 March 2023

No wonder they say that chaos in the house is not always a consequence the fact that the owner of the house does not know how to clean. This may also indicate that this is the home of a genius.

For whom organizing space and cleaning is easy outside the area of interest. Time should be spent on great things, not on to arrange things in cabinets and dust off the shelves.

Steve Jobs

summer residence

A good solid dwelling, where chaos is mixed with order. Most likely the latter is the merit of home assistants.


But the eclectic style of the home suggests that Jobs, most likely, the functionality of the room was more important than the style.

Normal work disorder

He clearly had his own particular style of keeping all the important things.

Albert Einstein

Residence in Bern

The scientist said: "Only a fool needs order - a genius dominates chaos." Usually, as a housing for a genius, they offer look at his apartment in Bern, but he lived there only two of the year.

The apartment is cleaned and very demonstrative.

And this is an office in Princeton

It's better to look at another one that looks more like Einstein's real home. Princeton University Graduate advanced research.

Here, nothing is embellished, everything is as it is - piles of papers and chaos.

Salvador Dali

Nothing surprising.

This is exactly what the home of one of the most famous and frapping artists should have looked like.

The bedroom is certainly not for restful sleep.

Everything is canon.

Andy Warhole

Looking at the works of one of the greatest artists of the 20th century, who turned the world of visual art upside down, it is worth expect a kind of bohemian loft in Manhattan with skillfully designed "mess".

Laconic and beautiful

But from 1970 to 1984, Warhol created and lived in this place. Manhattan is 200 kilometers away.

It's really stylish!

Lots of light and a rather austere atmosphere. But also litter a space of almost one and a half thousand square meters is difficult - nine bedrooms and eleven baths, for a second.

Fourteen years was clearly not enough for Warhol.

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