Perfect shots with random coincidences that you can't do on purpose (15 photos)

6 March 2023

Some items seem to be made for each other. Take it like this in the hands of a box - and it fits perfectly on a shelf, or a sofa, accidentally bought in a store, fits into the opening. Especially pleasant such coincidences when you don’t specifically plan and measure them. Users have shared similar examples that are incredibly pleased.

1. Sofa climbed into the opening

2. It's like these noodles were made for this plate.

3. Perfect fit

4. Suitable gaps on the sole for chair bars

5. Serious support

6. Light and shadow are clearly separated

7. Now I understand why cyclists came up with a stand "for water"

8. "I couldn't find my earphone for a long time"

9. The hole seemed to be measured out for a bottle

10. "Initially, they planned to install hangers here, but then it turned out that the refrigerator fits better"

11. Book on the shelf

12. Random frame at the right moment

13. Like a glove

14. Found a garage

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