How to make your own movie using a toilet lid and a neural network. Cheng, Artificial Intelligence

28 February 2023

Neural networks allow you to be creative, using a minimum of improvised means. Director Karen Cheng shows by his own example that anyone can now concoct a film.

Karen X. Cheng is a director and video writer for famous brands. To get interesting special effects in her work, she often uses low-budget funds (and willingly shares these secrets on social networks).

Recently, Chang has been trying to work with neural networks. She recently showed how to use GEN-1, a toilet lid, a stack of books, and a computer mouse to create a short film.

Previously, Cheng created a music video for Nina Simone's song "Feeling Good" using the DALL-E 2 neural network, and she also tried to generate a cover with a female astronaut for Cosmopolitan.

And although all these experiments look like something simple and not laborious, in fact, working with a neural network is not as easy as it seems. For example, on the sole of an astronaut from the cover it is written that it took 20 seconds to create an image.

In fact, this is hypocrisy. The director spent at least 100 hours putting together a successful AI request. Cosmopolitan employees who tried to repeat the success could not boast of a similar result. Their "girls on Mars" were not suitable for the cover or for publication in the magazine.

Neural networks can make the work of designers and artists easier, but it is unlikely that people in the creative profession can be completely replaced by artificial intelligence.

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