Deadly beautiful: a complicated case in which a beauty blogger and several of her doubles were involved (8 photos)

23 February 2023

Girls who position themselves as beauty experts pages on the Web appear in the form of nymphs, elves and unearthly creatures some perfect appearance. But at the same time they can be cold mind and dead heart.

Khadija O. - beauty blogger of Algerian origin, lived in in Germany and was engaged in its own promotion in the field of industry beauty.

Once a girl received a message in one of the social networks with an offer to appear in the video of a fairly well-known rapper. Khadija I found his page and asked if it was him. Because fakes is a common occurrence in this type of activity. The musician replied that he didn’t write anything like that, and this is clearly a fake account.


The girl blocked a suspicious page and forgot about minor incident. A week later, the blogger received a new offer - to take part in the advertising of a cosmetic product. In that since Khadija did not suspect anything, because the advertisement, in general, was her the usual way of making money.

A representative of a potential employer made an appointment in Ingolstadt - one of the cities of Bavaria on August 16, 2022. Trip to which became for the girl the last in life.

car in the thicket


The dog lover took the dog for a walk late in the evening and stumbled upon a car abandoned in the forest.

In the back seat lay a girl with no signs of life. Even battered police officers who arrived at the call were shocked at the sight of the picture before them. The body of a young woman was so wounded that there could be no talk of identification by some signs and be. When the car was pierced, it turned out that it belongs to a local businessman of Iraqi origin. Auto often took it adult daughter - 24-year-old Shahraban K.

Sweet freedom


The girl spent most of her life in Germany, although was born in Iraq. Parents tried to raise her in the traditions of Islam, but, having tasted all the charm of a free European way of life, the daughter categorically refused to live according to the laws of their ancestors.

She got a profession as a beautician, moved out and tried to lead the lifestyle of an ordinary girl and enjoy freedom, but spoiled everything total parental control.

Even marriage, which turned out to be unsuccessful and fleeting, did not help. After the divorce, Shahraban returned to her parents' house. But soon a new suitor, Shekir, loomed on the horizon. With a solid criminal past.

Fatal meeting and new circumstances


The girl continued to live in her parents' house. Worked cosmetologist, simultaneously promoted her page on the Web, planning make money as a beauty blogger. On August 16, she asked her father car, saying that you need to meet with your ex-spouse and discuss some important questions.

The young woman did not return home. And the next day relatives were called and summoned for identification. Heartbroken parents confirmed that in the car the body of their daughter, who was killed by some an inhuman who turned their beauty into something terrible.


The family began to prepare for the funeral. But the farewell ceremony had to be postponed when the police received the DNA results. The deceased was not Shahraban, but a completely different woman. But who?

At the same time, the police began to work statement about the disappearance of Khadija, who left Munich for Ingolstadt never returned home. Details began to come together picture.

Especially against the background of a noticeable external similarity of the girls. No, they were not doubles, but the similarity is obvious: physique, facial features, hair length and color. DNA analysis with relatives of Khadija confirmed that in she was the car.

Find and destroy

Shahraban and Khadija

Did the killer mix up the girls because of their similarities? At first this was the main version. But then where did Shahraban go? Started looking for her young man Shekira.

And they found both: the couple was hiding with a mutual friend. IN at the end of August they were taken into custody and presented with aindulgence in murder. At first it was supposed to be a murder out of jealousy: Shahraban was jealous of the guy for rival and dealt with her. But it turned out that the victim and Shekir did not They knew each other and had never seen each other.

The following months were spent on analyzing the activities of Shahraban during World Wide Web. The results were unexpected. Beautician for several months she corresponded with a dozen young women and girls, who were similar in appearance to one degree or another. With several even had a personal meeting.

That is, Shahraban purposefully searched for a double, with with the help of whose murder she wanted to fake her death and disappear with radar family to have fun with a lover.

But why not just marry the chosen one? Tem Moreover, she already had experience of family life. But the couple knew that relatives will never approve of the daughter's choice. And developed such a perverted and cunning replacement plan.

When the case got publicity in the media, the public was shocked by undisguised cynicism. After all, the killers did not act out of desire. revenge, not in a state of passion, that is, in connection with the causes that can still be understood and explained. They just found the best like a girl and sentenced her to death.

All the evidence is circumstantial, and a couple of accomplices continue keep silence. Therefore, the police still have to seriously work on a case that is complicated by the absence of a crime weapon and traces of DNA at the scene of the murder.

If the guilt of Shahraban and her boyfriend is proven, then they can go to jail for the rest of their days.

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