russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for February 21

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
22 February 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- Oil Monday was held in the German city of Cologne as part of the Cologne Carnival

The bunker appeared in the form of a zombie, a butcher and a dictator who had gone.

- After Putin's words about "neo-Nazis" and coup 2014 even Medvedev fell asleep from boredom

- That awkward moment when you record your president's address, which blames the West and technology for everything, on the iPhone

- During the message, Putin quoted one of the Nazi leaders

▪️The Russian President mentioned the phrase "Guns instead of butter". On October 11, 1936, Reich Minister Rudolf Hess said it at the grand opening of the Adolf Hitler Hall in the city of Hof.

▪️This thesis was actively developed in their speeches by other leaders of the Third Reich.

You accuse the Ukrainian authorities and Ukrainians of Nazism, but at the same time you quote them yourself. What is the name of this disease?

- The most predictable speech ever

Memes were invented even before everyone heard the content

- "Strategically justified": ISW insists on the need to keep Bakhmut.

U.S. analysts are convinced ( that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has probably softened his stance on Bakhmut in order to " rhetorical concession" to US officials.

- The area around the Chernobyl nuclear power plant has become an important training ground for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, — AFP.

There, our military conduct ( exercises and guard the border in case of invasion by Russian and Belarusian troops.

- Putin's Reich wants to seize Belarus, — Süddeutsche Zeitung.

The publication reports that the Kremlin has documents ( detailing plans for the Russian seizure of Belarus .

Absorption of Belarus is planned in stages:

➡️ By 2022, a pro-Russian stratum of the population and elite should be formed;

➡️ By 2025, have stable groups of influence in all sectors and expand the military presence;

➡️ By 2030, complete the absorption, unite the two armies into one, take full control of the information space, complete the transition to a single currency and create a common cultural space with a unified approach to history.

- Quite quickly one of the courtiers caught the Zen and completely immersed himself in the speech of the "great emperor".

Nothing unusual.

- Putin on the behavior of the West: no one in the world has forgotten that it was the West that "let the genie out of the bottle"

- Here are the memes for Putin's speech.

Craftsmen don't sleep.

- Russia suspends participation in the Strategic Offensive Arms Treaty, — Putin.

"Russia is ready to resume nuclear weapons testing" — he added.

- Ukrainians do not feel financial stability and confidence in their future.

Two-thirds of Ukrainians surveyed ( (65%) reported a deterioration in their financial situation in 2022. For a third, everything remained the same.

At the same time, 45% of respondents do not plan anything for the future, but live for today.

- In Warsaw, the streets are closed on the eve of Biden's arrival at the Royal Palace.

The footage was published by the Metropolitan Police.

- The death penalty is already here: Belarusian deputies adopted a law on the death penalty for officials for high treason.

The document also proposes to establish the fine for anti-state crimes in the range from 500 to 50,000 basic units.

- Xi Jinping may visit Russia in the coming months, — The Wall Street Journal.

Beijing claims ( that wants to play a more active role to end the conflict, and people familiar with Xi's travel plans say the meeting with Putin will be part of the momentum towards multilateral peace talks.

- Sino-Russian relations are as solid as a rock."

Chief of the Chancellery of the Communist Party of the People's Republic of China Wang Yi also added that they will withstand any test associated with the changeable international situation.

- Long live the alliance between Poland and the United States, long live the NATO alliance, long live free Ukraine, – Duda.

The main statements of Andrzej Duda's speech in front of the Royal Castle in Warsaw:

➡️ Ukraine must win the war, Poland believes that Russia will be forced to leave the territory of Ukraine;

➡️ The terrible sacrifice of the Ukrainians will bring the fruits of victory;

➡️ We call on all leaders of European countries and NATO to support Ukraine;

➡️ Biden's visit showed that Ukraine is not alone and is supported by the most important country in the world.

- Poor girkin

- Novy Chilik: about Biden's visit to Kyiv

- Armats are under construction

The caterpillars have rusted in 3 years, there are no more differences

- The Russian market strengthened against the backdrop of Putin's speech. Meanwhile, the market over the past 10 years

- The liberators helped so much. Severodonetsk

- Well, what a performance, without nuclear blackmail

- Betrayed

- Swelled up and sleeping

- Azov State University in the occupied Mariupol. Ukrainian books in Ukrainian

We will not allow the Russian language to be infringed upon, but the Ukrainian language is different!

- Power Steering is played by black hawk

- Who is the power here?

- Well, that's all cleared up. "And how he breathed, how he breathed!"

- Analytics

- Briefly about the performance

- The new Prime Minister of Moldova, Dorin Recean, said that Pridnestrovie should exist. completely demilitarized, and the Russian troops must leave, after which it will be necessary to integrate the inhabitants of the region economically and socially.

Well, it remains to do it and confirm your words.

- Entertaining infographic: the first listener fell asleep at the 13th minute of the speech

▪️For an hour and a half, the bunker was able to lull the deputies, senators, FSB officers and his other henchmen. We are waiting for the ignoramuses to be sent to Siberia (at best) 🤡

Today our subscribers are active and help fill the feed! Thanks for being active!

- The European Union lags behind the United States in terms of assistance to Ukraine, — ifw.

By mid-January, the United States allocated ( about 73.1 billion euros for support for Ukraine, and the EU promised 54.9 billion, analysts at the Institute of World Economy in Kiel calculated. They also said that Kyiv received from 65 to 75% of the heavy weapons promised by the EU and the US.

- The Czech Republic must prepare for a possible clash between Russia and NATO, — Chief of the General Staff of the Czech Army Karel Rzehka.

In the event of a clash ( between the Russian Federation and NATO, the Czech Republic will become an "active participant" conflict "from the first minute," most of our army will go to fight according to the military plans of the alliance, Řehka said. According to him, there are many targets in the Czech Republic that are within the reach of Russian weapons.

- The Ministry of Digital Development asked to ban the game Atomic Heart in Ukraine, — Deputy Minister of Digital Transformation Bornyakov.

The game Atomic Heart was developed ( by the Russian division of the Cypriot studio Mundfish, so the game is best you need to ban everywhere, because the money can go to finance the war, — he added.

- #losses of invaders as of 21.02

🔻+ 760 dead of the RF Armed Forces over the past day:

▪️Captain Roman Sukhonosov

▪️Senior Lieutenant Alexander Stupnev

▪️Reconnaissance Commander Ilya "Rezviy" Shah

▪️deep reconnaissance group commander Lieutenant Andrey Likholetov

▪️company commander mobik Fyodor Katenin

- Is it alarming or how is it fashionable to say now?

- 11 explosions were heard in the occupied Mariupol – city council.

Russian-haired experts already have versions: “Right now, the DPR is being shelled with GLSDB missiles. The radius of destruction is 150 km. Timed to coincide with Biden's speech. The shelling is carried out for the first time. Only in Mariupol more than 10 arrivals»

- Who from Putin's entourage sent their sons or sons-in-law to the war?

Correct – nobody

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