10 photos of controversial national costumes of the 19th century from around the world (11 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 18
14 February 2023
The post contains material for an audience over 18 years of age. Please make sure that you really want to see this and that you are over 18 years old.

This photo selection of "fashionistas" of the past will definitely surprise you.

Let's start with something not super exotic. For example, from a noble Georgian. This is an Imereti prince by the name of Ovaliani. This portrait was made in the Tiflis photo studio in 1890.

What do we see here? Well, in a sense, if you can ignore the prince's magnificent hairstyle. Initially, the Circassian among the Caucasian peoples was everyday wear, and not ceremonial. Chest gazyrs also became a decorative element, and once they actually stored a gun charge in them. And, of course, a luxurious cloak.

Let's go further. To Japan. This is an armed samurai. In armor, a helmet, with a katana in his hands and a wakizashi behind his belt. These are, respectively, long and short Japanese swords. They wore them together. The picture was taken in 1860.

Samurai, simplifying, is something like a knight. The Japanese in their hierarchy are more complicated, but we will not go deeper.

Because ahead of us is another character in his work suit. In unrealistic spiked armor, including a helmet, with a huge sword and shield to boot.

Why does he need all this, except for the sword, I don't know. After all, this is not a warrior, but ... an executioner. From India. You just noticed that he's barefoot, right?

"Here they are entertainers!" - you think now. But what's more, you haven't seen the Mongols! Their men walked modestly, but the women's suit of a married woman will definitely surprise you:

Well, well. We move to cold Alaska and get acquainted with a young fisherman. He has a catch in his hand, and in the look of his narrow eyes there is universal sadness and longing, because the whole world calls his people Eskimos, and they themselves consider themselves Inuit.

The weather is not very good, yes, but there seems to be nothing special about his suit? The fact is that the guy's jacket is made of ... seal intestines. Waterproof, however????

"Oh, these small northern peoples!" - you say. And I have nothing to say. They are not enough for one such photo collection. Therefore, here is a group of Siberian Indians Tungus (they are Evenks) in the picture of 1888 and we will finish with them.

Well, in general, I want a holiday. I mean, somehow dress up for the occasion. Here, for example, newlyweds from Bulgaria who played a wedding in the early 1900s:

And it's good that the bride is young and strong to wear this on her head. But the elderly wife of a Chinese general in her most beautiful outfit obviously had a hard time.

The Chinese, as you know, are great entertainers in terms of national clothes, you can also collect a collection of wonderful photos about them. But that's for another time, but for now let's go to Africa. 

I know where you are looking now and what you are thinking about. I also noticed that the beads from Zhu Zhu from the Gold Coast (now the Republic of Ghana) are almost as large as those of the wife of a Chinese general. But what about her mammary glands history is silent????

However, it's time to shut up and me. In conclusion of this collection, I will show an interesting photo of one people who now live almost all over the world.

These guys are gypsies. In this case, Polish. What kind of prototype of modern camouflage pants are on them, I find it difficult to say. The white balls on the jacket of one of them are also a mystery.

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