What is swimwear "Atom" (7 photos)

14 February 2023

Everyone knows what a bikini is - a women's swimsuit that was frank enough for its time, and now it is almost standard for all the world's beaches. Many are aware that he is named in honor of the Bikini Atoll in the Pacific Ocean, or rather, in honor of the test of an atomic bombing, which was carried out there by the US military in 1946. But there is more one interesting part of this story.

Nuclear explosion in Bikini Atoll and perhaps the most famous bikini girl

The fact is that a little earlier there were swimsuits under the name "Atom". This word was not destined to become a name a household name, of course - and in general, few people remember this name.

French fashion designer Jacques Aim changed fashion in the early 30s years of the last century, when he came up with the idea of dividing the swimsuit into two parts - before that, girls used only one-piece suits, covering including the stomach.

In the 40s, he continued to work and in the wake of the popularity of the topic atomic bomb released a swimsuit with the appropriate name.

Jacques Aim in front of his store - with a model, or maybe a satisfied customer

Obviously, he wanted to emphasize that this swimsuit - very small. Even the smallest, although the paradox is obvious, after all, the atom is translated as "indivisible", and Aim's swimsuits are just famous for splitting his bathing suit in two.

Do you know why about the "Atom", consisting of shorts, covering the navel and buttocks, and a fairly chaste bodice, all forgot - and very quickly?

Because in a short time someone Louis Rear, who previously had nothing to do with fashion (they say he got a business on production of underwear as a legacy, being mechanical engineer), released his swimsuit.

Girls in bathing suits "Atom"

It was 1946 and in terms of marketing Rear acted, probably ideally - he opposed the name "Atom" the name "Bikini" as a symbol of the fact that the atom can be divided into more small particles. The name of the atoll was widely known - and that's it, let's just say understood the context.

Well, it is clear that the swimsuit presented by Louis Reard fully consistent with such an application, because it was for its time unbelievably frank.

But the new bathing suit (although it’s hard to call it a suit) caused controversy and did not immediately become popular.

Louis Reard apparently debating the choice between a closed and open swimsuit

Photos of girls in "Bikini" (this word has not yet become common noun) - yes, they became popular, and even glorified before very famous models. But the beach was so risky to go far All.

However, experts give the main role in popularizing a new swimsuit for cinema. In 1952, the film Manina, la fille sans voiles ("Manina, the girl without a veil") featuring more underage Bridget Bordeaux.

Only a few years later he entered the American rental, and already under a new name - Manina, the Girl in the Bikini ("Manina, the girl in the Bikini").

The already famous Louis Reard on the background of a bikini

The actress really walks the whole film in such a bathing suit that caused indignation among some, and delight among others (this is generally the first a film where the girls starred in bikinis) - and drew attention to the film. But, as you can see, it was the Americans who decided to play with the name of the swimsuit, shifting the focus from the veil metaphor to the female body.

Let's say, in the same British distribution, the film was generally released under titled The Lighthouse-Keeper's Daughter ("The Lighthouse Keeper's Daughter").

However, the American name was picked up by some countries. For example, in Sweden and Venezuela, the film was released under a laconic sign "Girl in a Bikini" - Flicka i bikini and La chica del bikini respectively.

Stills from the famous movie with Brigitte Bordeaux, whatever it's called

The American approach, as we understand it, worked - film became popular, and the name "Bikini" soon became associated exclusively with a similar frank swimsuit.

Interestingly, at first it was even banned - for the appearance on the beach in a bikini was fined, and not only in the United States, but also in parts of European countries. But the image has already penetrated the pop-coolturu - he began to be mentioned, for example, in songs and, of course, girls in bikinis became appear in new films and series.

The history of the name of the new swimsuit, too, apparently, no one seemed neither cynical nor tasteless. Or maybe vice versa - after all, the United States then they were very proud of their atomic bombs ... And everything about Atom forgot, although such bathing suits are still in demand, being elegant enough.

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