Cats with a funny and unusual color (16 photos)

Category: Food, PEGI 0+
10 February 2023

How much time has passed, and cats are still the kings of all Internet. Actually, how could it be otherwise? They always touch us and having fun without doing anything. For example, these cats are nature gave a very funny and unusual color. We invite everyone to view uplifting is guaranteed.

Your call is very important to us, stay on the line

The hugging monkey is always with you

Baldness does not spoil cats at all

When I managed to draw only one arrow

In a bright sweater

Badger cat or badger cat?

Fleeing from justice?

Ace of spades

And here is the trio of worms!

Confesses love with a slight movement of the hind legs

Charming barbel

Assembled from various parts

panda cub

Mom made me put on underpants

Don't look at the arrow

A cat in panties, in a hat, with elbow pads and with a broken heart. Combo!

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