The killer from the mafia hid from the security forces for 16 years under the guise of a cook (3 photos)

7 February 2023

So insolent that he gave interviews to local media and praised his cooking.

In France, they received a prominent representative of the Italian mafia. His name is Edgardo Greco and this citizen has been wanted since 2006. Then he was charged with the murder of Italian crime bosses in early 1990s and he "disappeared".

As it turned out, the killer went to France and settled in the city Saint Etienne. There he issued new documents for himself and began to live, live under named after Paolo Dimitrio. In order not to get bored from idleness, he got a job as a cook in a restaurant.

Edgardo Greco

Over time, he believed in himself so much that he began to give interviews and advertised his pasta and ravioli. I slept on this - Interpol agents noticed the contented face of 63-year-old Greco in the photo for the article and came to guests to the hapless killer / haute cuisine maestro.

“No matter how hard the criminals try to hide abroad, they can't run from justice forever. dedicated to their work policemen all over the planet will always make sure that law prevailed"

- said Interpol Secretary General Jurgen Stock.

Now the criminal will be sent to Italy, where he shines life. Although he can get a job as a cook there in prison - skills has already.

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