russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for January 21

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
22 January 2023

In the early morning of February 24, 2022, Russia struck missile strikes on the territory of Ukraine and began a direct full -scale invasion. APU is repulsed to the enemy

- The Russian world was not missed to Estonia

The crew was forced to paint over the inscriptions ...

- Three warriors broke to death upon returning from the war

Karma is so & hellip; And on the tick-current, the troops are generally capital

- Ilon Musk included the regime of a political expert and called himself "Super Prosemic".

But at the same time was noted by an ambiguous statement about the Crimea.

"I am a super -Ukrainian, but ruthless escalation is very risky for Ukraine and the world", & ndash; He wrote Musk in response to the entrepreneur David Saksu. The latter tweeted the article by The New York Times that "the United States is ready to help Ukraine aim at the Crimea."

- Germany is not amenable to the pressure of allies to send tanks to Ukraine, & mdash; FT.

Berlin's consent is necessary not only for sending his & laquo; leopards & raquo;, but also to transfer those that are in 12 other European countries. Boris Pistorius, the new Minister of Defense of Germany, said (, that its ministry will check the army reserves & laquo; Leopardov & raquo ;,, to find out how much they can be found out Provide Kyiv, because it continues to discuss the issue of transferring them to Ukraine.

He said that the check would try to establish whether & laquo; leopards & raquo are compatible; Bundeswehr with systems used by German partners, and how many of them are available.

- the United States will support the transfer of F-16 fighters with the allies of Ukraine, & mdash; American ambassador at the OSCE.

F-16 fighters have the opportunity to destroy all the flying blows over the territory of Belarus and the Russian Federation.

- everything is stable in the Circuscachian country: Roskomozor brought Telegram to the foreign list and banned integration with the banks of the Russian Federation.

From March 1, the transfer of payment and some personal data through the messenger will be limited to a number of organizations.

By the way, in 2018, telegrams were already blocked there, but after 2 years, access was resumed.

- Today is Saturday, which means yesterday the main drunk of the Kremlin Dimka Medvedev had a bad priest.

Now the invasion of Ukraine in his drunken sense & mdash; This is a "new Patriotic War."

Tell him someone that Hitler’s heirs are sitting in the Kremlin, and not where he came up with.

- Britain will help create a special tribunal for the leadership of Russia, & ndash; The Guardian.

In Britain, they assured ( that the tribunal should be based on Ukrainian national justice, but contain international elements.

- cynical and dull Rusnya does not change.

Prigozhin wrote a letter to the White House to find out exactly what crimes were committed by fighters of the PMC Wagner.

- from two to six thousand dollars for an illegal departure: the SBU eliminated new channels for the escape of the "evaders" abroad.

Security Service detained the organizers of illegal "traffic" in Odessa, Khmelnitsky, Nikolaev and Rivne regions.

Citizens of draft age were offered to leave under the guise of drivers of international freight flights, carriers of medical humanitarian aid or fake children's birth certificates were made.

- How unexpected and unpleasant: 12% of Ukrainians miss the USSR.

The majority of Ukrainians (73%) have a positive attitude towards the collapse of the Soviet Union, but there are those who assess this historical event negatively. 15% of Ukrainians have not yet decided on their attitude.

- The US Department of Justice accused 2 businessmen - Russian Vladislav Osipov and Briton Richard Masters - of trying to get the yacht Tango out of sanctions, which is associated with the oligarch from Rashka Viktor Vekselberg, — Bloomberg.

In order to hide ( ) ownership of the yacht and ensure its operation, Masters developed a scheme for using the fake name of the yacht - Fanta.

- Russian aggression may "flare up" spring, — said Mark Hertling, former commander of the US Army in Europe, in an interview with CNN.

He also added ( that if Ukraine tries to regain its territories, it will have to operations in the southeast and continue to counter any Russian offensive in the Donbas.

- A week before the resignation, the former German Defense Minister Lambrecht banned the inventory of the Leopard tanks in service with the Bundeswehr, — business insider.

According to the publication (, she did this in order to avoid pressure on Germany and personally to Chancellor Scholz in the matter of supplying tanks to Kyiv.

Smells like a scandal.

- #losses of invaders as of 01/21/2022

🔻+860 dead Russian Armed Forces per day (more than 120.000 invaders — dead)

▪️Senior Sergeant – Alexander Pushkov

▪️Junior Sergeant – Roman Skorov

▪️Sergeant – Sergei Babushkin

▪️Captain – Artur Khachaturyan

- Moscow, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Air Defense

What are they preparing for?

- Germany has 212 serviceable Leopard tanks of 2 different modifications, — Der Spiegel, citing his sources.

The country may pass ( ) Ukraine 19 Leopard 2A5 tanks, which are used only for exercises.

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