russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for January 2

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
3 January 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- By the way, Girkin confirms that as a result of a strike on a vocational school in Makeevka, the number of dead mobiles goes to hundreds

In addition, the ammunition depot detonated, all the military equipment that stood back to back was destroyed

- Be careful what you wish for… (panorama - news with fakes from Russia)

- After the liquidation of 600 mobiles in Makiivka, bots were charged to explain to inexpensive Russians that there are still a lot of them, and there will be enough zinc coffins for everyone

- Post-New Year in one of the cities of Russia

And how did you burst into 2023?

- #losses of invaders as of 02.01

+ 720 dead of the RF Armed Forces over the past day:

Major Goncharov Nikolay Anatolyevich

Fokin Denis Vyacheslavovich from Novoshakhtinsk, Rostov region

- «Bestiality! Ugliness! Betrayal! For this, Meladze should not be deprived of titles, but of the citizenship of the Russian Federation.

In the Federation Council attacked Meladze and are ready to deprive him of Russian citizenship.

To bomb peaceful cities — not bestiality, bestiality — it is to be against the war, the logic of the Russian authorities that does not fit in the head

- Wow, what passions!

- Japan, which chairs the G7 this year, intends to invite Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to the G7 summit in Hiroshima on May 19-21, — the Nikkei newspaper.

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida intends to invite Zelensky to use this as an opportunity to hear directly about the current situation in Ukraine.

- Almost 40 shaheeds were killed overnight in Ukraine.

A rocket and two eagles were also shot down.

- Israel launched a missile attack on an airport in Syria.

According to the report, the main airport in Damascus was put out of action as a result of the strike. Two people were injured, two died.

- Kim Jong-un, together with his daughter, inspected a warehouse with KN-23 missiles capable of carrying a nuclear charge.

Yesterday, the North Korean dictator called for the creation of new intercontinental ballistic missiles and an increase in nuclear arsenal.

2023, don't start.

- The country of optimists or "It definitely won't get worse": 65% believe that 2023 will be better than 2022.

This is a record optimistic sentiment over the past few years.

- Scholz confirmed Germany's refusal to provide Kyiv with Leopard 2 tanks.

Michael Müller, an expert on the foreign policy of the ruling party of Germany, noted that Germany wants to avoid turning NATO into a direct war.

- Blackout in Ukraine is possible only in theory. This was stated by Energy Minister German Galushchenko.

"A blackout in Ukraine is theoretically possible, but the energy system is constantly proving its stability over almost 3 months of massive attacks," he stressed.

- The NATO Military Committee, the supreme military body of the alliance, will discuss the war in Ukraine and further developments in Brussels on January 18-19support for Kyiv.

- NATO must increase arms production in 2023 for the sake of Ukraine, — Stoltenberg.

“For example, for artillery we need a huge amount of ammunition, we need spare parts. We need to ramp up production, and that's what the allies are doing," — NATO Secretary General said.

- How so? And why? What happened?

Mobilization on Raska soon.

- German Chancellor Olaf Scholz periodically communicates directly with Vladimir Putin about Ukraine, — Deputy German Government Spokesperson Christiane Hoffmann in an interview with Deutsche Welle.

"In addition, it can be noted that it would be wrong to assume that there are no contacts and conversations with Russia. As you know, both the Federal Chancellor and other politicians in the EU now and then establish contact directly with President Putin." — She added.

- Don't panic in Kursk.

It's just that the alarms on the cars yelled, and the pops were incomprehensible.

- Rusnya, catch the forecast from agent Girkins: “There will definitely be a second wave of mobilization. To win we need to mobilize 500,000 soldiers.”

- An amazing people: hundreds of "chmobiks" went to the other world, but their property, destroyed in the army depot, worries.

Though, why be surprised if the Russians are ready to go to Ukraine in order to steal an electric kettle or plasma under fire from Himars.

But the Baltic countries said...

- State services in the Russian Federation (analogous to Diya in Ukraine)

- That's what conscripts are for, to work in the officer's bath, to serve the masters of life.

- I see you missed one important news here. The other day, Russian military bloggers happily reported that in the village of Bakhmutskoye near the city of Soledar, the Wagnerites managed to take the SCHOOL BUILDING, located near the village council, which other units could not take by storm for 4 whole months! Here is a victory!

- with a final contract and a meeting with relatives in a week

- And the battle continues again

- It seems someone forgot to add a zero

- Hello from parallel reality

- The enemy treacherously attacked our planes, which peacefully bombed his cities

- New version

- There is no money, but you hold on

- Vasya Lozhkin - 2010 (What? How? How did he know about z in 2010?)

- there will be 2 options - either to settle in one place and wait for the highmars to arrive there, or in small groups to small houses, but in the morning find out that - some of the people have deserted

- 5 thousand summonses for mobilization were printed in the Krasnodar printing house

5 thousand summonses for mobilization printed in the Krasnodar printing house

The printing house received an order on the evening of December 31, deadline — the morning of January 1

Agendas are not signed, it was only necessary to print the forms

As you know, the autumn conscription has already ended, the spring one starts on April 1. The agendas themselves indicate that they are on mobilization

- General Frost, how long will you be inactive? "Our" boys are suffering there, so why hasn't Europe frozen yet...

- The General Staff of Ukraine also put the fifth

- Memes

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