Arrested the main car dealer

2 January 2023

Clever lawyer turned car accident into a multi-million dollar business.

Lawyer Yevgeny Afanasyev, who is called the country's main auto-substitute, was arrested in Moscow. And for good reason - a 27-year-old man turned auto-substitutions into a profitable business, earning millions of rubles. In the last two years alone, he "through negligence and fault" of other motorists got into 200 accidents.

It is known that Afanasyev is operating on old, but very expensive in terms of repair Bentley, of which he has several pieces. All Afanasyev’s accidents are like a match: he watches for a truck at the exit from the roundabout, goes into the “dead zone” of the truck and deliberately crashed into the car.

And since he crashes not into private traders, but into trucks belonging to large logistics companies, after receiving insurance that does not cover all "losses", he sues the owners of the vehicles. But in fact, Afanasiev does not need repairs - "new details" appear only in the examination papers.

It is known that only in December Afanasiev caused three accidents. Here, perhaps, is the last accident of a lawyer that happened on December 23 on Perovskaya Street in Moscow. It was on this section of the road that Afanasiev made three fictitious accidents.

Now Yevgeny Afanasyev is charged with the article "Fraud in the field of insurance." The number of episodes in the criminal case has not yet been reported. Investigators are working with a cunning lawyer.

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2 January 2023
3 380 comments
Конечно, там все олени такие, вот он их стрижет. За грузовиком пристроилось как минимум три таких, в очередь на стрижку...
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