Funny animals whose pregnancy turned them into tumblers (18 photos)

Category: Animals
28 December 2022

Expectant mothers simply could not be photographed!

Animals during pregnancy change a lot in appearance. Sometimes they get so big that even the fur on their round tummy can't hide it. But that only makes them cuter. agree? We found photos of pregnant zebras, cats, elephants and even lions to prove to you that future mothers, regardless of species, look absolutely adorable. We hope these lovely pictures will make your day a little better!

The eagle stingray from the aquarium has not grown fat, but will soon become a mother

Looks like this mommy-to-be is ready for anything

A pregnant leopard spotted in the forests of India

This is what a pregnant ferret looks like

Even during pregnancy, this beauty has not lost her curiosity and playfulness.

The waiting lioness is absolutely adorable

Elephants have one of the longest pregnancies: they carry baby elephants for about two years

Rats can be crazy cute, especially if they're pregnant.

A squirrel with a round belly sits down to rest

Rounded zebra: and no, the stripe does not make you fat at all, dear!

Goat waiting for kids

A lizard was spotted on the window, which will soon become a mother

Guinea pig waiting for offspring

The raccoon who came to visit sat down to rest

This dog even had a pregnant photo shoot

Sea Horses

Male seahorses carry fertilized eggs females in their abdomen. Ultimately, from the swollen bellies of the sea skates appear from 100 to 1000 fry.

pregnant seal

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