An American kept more than 100 animals at home in terrible conditions (12 photos + 1 video)

Category: Animals, PEGI 16
23 December 2022

46-year-old American was recently arrested and charged 12 counts for cruelty to animals. It turned out that the man He kept over 100 different animals in his house. These were both birds and reptiles, and dogs, and rodents - all the poor people lived in terrible conditions, and many were sick.

A resident of the American city of Milwaukee was recently presented with 12 counts of animal cruelty. 46 year old Larry McAdoo kept 113 animals in his house, and they were all in unfavorable conditions. The police came to search the man's house after several complaints from local residents about animal cruelty. Upon entering the house, the employees immediately felt the "terrible smell of excrement animals."

The police rescued men from the house: 25 dogs, 23 birds, 14 rats, 8 hamsters, 7 hedgehogs, 6 lizards, 6 rabbits, 5 guinea pigs, 4 cats, 4 chinchillas, 3 turtles, 2 alligators, 2 snakes, a goat, a ferret and a raccoon. Under interrogation the man said he "kept other people's animals to find them new houses - and none of them belonged to him. "But later admitted that at one point the content of animals got out of control.

Many animals were kept in appalling conditions. Reptiles - in small aquariums without the necessary equipment and lighting for them, turtles sat in containers almost without water, littered with excrement, and dogs - in narrow cages in the basement. Some animals were also sick due to living in such conditions, several of them had to be euthanized.

The court accused McAdoo of cruelty to animals and non-compliance sanitary standards for their maintenance. The man was taken into custody and moment prosecutors are studying his case. Later, the court will announce the punishment.

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